Feist and Ben Gibbard - Train Song
alex on February 17 2009
So first off this album is amazing. Second, ben gibbard actually called me once, about 4 years ago a friend of mine was backstage with him and got him to call me. I was so confused, I hear this high pitch voice call me and go "hey, whats up?" naturally I ask him who it is, "its ben. (pause) ... ben gibbard." Instant shit in my pants. Little did I know i was talking to the dude who would later on marry the love of my life.
The Rural Alberta Advantage - Drain The Blood
alex on February 12 2009
Cute music tipsters are the best. As the week winds to an end I find myself asking...myself(?)... why are wolves so mother fucking cool?? you marinate on that while I post on my new wolf blog on tumblr. unicornwolflazersfuckyou, check me out on tumblr.