Angus and Julia Stone - Draw Your Swords

christopher on December 29 2010

This is romantic and shit.

Islands - Devout

alex on September 23 2009

Yessss, love me some Islands. check out the new album, you will not be disappointed. In other news: My new best friend works at the grocery store, hes the butcher. Im pretty sure this dude is secretly buddha in disguise, I instantly opened up to him after ordering a lb of salsalito turkey and half a lb of cheddar cheese. We chatted about growing old and life in general for a solid 15 minutes. cheers to you mr. butcher man.

Phantom Planet - Turn Smile Shift Repeat

Alex on April 22 2014

I recently re-visited Phantom Planet's discography. This is now my new favorite jam by the planeteers. I would do horribly filthy things for a new Phantom Planet album.

Daniel Rossen - Too Little Too Late (Jo Jo Cover)

alex on April 20 2009

this cover of too little too late gives me goosebumps, all of daniel rossens music is so hauntingly beautiful.

College - A Real Hero

chris on September 26 2011

This girl across from me right now is freaked out by oranges. I know right.

Kevin Morby - Parade

chris on November 04 2014

Kevin has a wonderfully full sound complete with Dylan-esque voice. He sounds lonely, but not in a bad way. In a comforting way. When you feel like this, you get your best thinking done. This is molting music.

Nneka - Heartbeat

alex on February 05 2009

check out my girl Nneka, this track makes me feel like im in a training montage. Running through fields, punching frozen meat, crying on my knees, eating ice cream, running through brooklyn, karate kicking a baby, finally getting to the top of a set of stairs like in rocky. Duck Duck Saturday, seriously if you dont come youre dead to me. That goes for 51 US states(we dont get hits from Alaska), Mexico, Columbia, Canada, France, Spain, UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Russia, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and of course my friends in South Korea. That means you gotta be in NYC by Saturday, ok? See you there!

Shiv Hurrah - Heart of Lead

alex - providing poop advice since 1996 on July 15 2010

David from Shiv Hurrah was kind enough to e-mail us Shiv Hurrah's new EP, excellent stuff. I just got chocolate all over my face while writing this, i guess i got a little too excited. if someone walked into my room right now they would probably think it was poop all over my face, and id be all like nah dawg, thats imported chocolate. remember that line, you may need to use it next time you shit your pants.

Architecture in Helsinki - Contact High

alex on February 18 2011

The absolutely perfect first warm Friday party song. Enjoy.

Forest City Lovers - Light You Up

alex on June 18 2010

When I grow up I want to be a fire truck. WWREEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNGGGG - thats my fire truck siren impression