Wishbone - School of Fish

Alex on October 16 2014

This style of music always resonates well with me. When I listen to tracks like this I could picture myself literally doing anything while playing this song. Walking? Sure. Cooking? Yep. Getting into a street brawl with 3 members from The Crypts? Yea alright. Wrestle a panda bear in a luchador outfit? Always. I'm happy to fit in Wishbone right next to my other "can do anything while playing" artists such as Dr. Dog and Meligrove Band.

Check out Wishbone's split album with Follies on Bandcamp.

Dan Auerbach - Goin Home

christopher on March 03 2010

Sitting at home folding laundry, drinking a beer, watching Ken Burns' The Civil War. Real life. I hope one day instances from my life are told in the voice of Garrison Keillor.

Twin Shadow - Five Seconds

chris on May 02 2012

Thank you Twin Shadow for breaking my slump of non-bangers. Fuck yeah, this makes me want to dance like that internet dance girl that kicks her leg up. Mosh girl, also know as Moshzilla apparently.

Matt and Kim - Cinders

alex on January 22 2008

Dare I say this is Matt and Kim's best album to date? I think yes. Not to mention its called Grand named after Grand St, AKA brooklyn whats up. Ok its thursday, dance like a ninja robot pirate assassin zombie.

Porcelain Raft - Dragonfly

christopher on October 25 2010

This is dreamy stuff. Checking out the rest of their music now. will report back with more information. over and out.

Deakin + Animal Collective - Country Report

alex on March 28 2011

Honey, I'm home. I was expecting to come back here finding chris had thrown a huge rager and left the place a mess. Everything looks in order...- wait a second... is this? is this a clown suit? wtf? hold on.-is that donkey shit? the clown and the donkey? that's just wrong chris.

Son Lux - Lost It To Trying

Alex on October 17 2013

Looks like our host, Media Temple, was just bought by internet scum Go Daddy. For those who aren't privy - Go Daddy supported SOPA and PIPA which were essentially monetizing and censoring the internet. So real talk - fuck Go Daddy... they were a shit company even before they showed their ugly side. With that said it's pretty apparent I wont be giving my hosting money to Go Daddy. Seems as good a time as any to do round 6 of left as rain - this time not hosted by the devil.

FIDLAR - Gimme Something

chris on June 19 2013

So FIDLAR's monicker actually, and quite fucking amazingly, stands for Fuck It Dog Life's A Risk. Exactly.

Amy Winehouse and Jay Z - Dirt Off Your Shoulders

alex on September 14 2011

So I'm doing my daily 3pm dog walk, where small children leaving school are running around screaming trying to get away from my rather large pitbull. I return back to my apartment after scaring my quota of 9 year olds for the day and this kid runs in front of me, sprints even, drops his pants to his ankles and starts spraying piss everywhere. This pee arch was fucking impressive, WAY over his head. I had no idea how to respond, I watched in awe, I had so many questions - mainly where the fuck is this kid's mom? Moments later I hear from the distance "MMAATTHHHEEEEWWWW NNNOOOOOOOO!!!" The kid starts crying he cant stop peeing meanwhile I can only stare like a bystander to a train wreck. All in all A+ experience, would watch again.

Broken Social Scene - All to All

chris on June 28 2010

So my skin is melting off, no big deal. Other than the extreme heat, this past weekend was pretty dope. Deleware River tubuing, bald eagles, and a Greenpoint pool party.