The Junior Boys - Dull To Pause

chris on February 04 2009

Here is a track from the upcoming album. In entirety it seems to be pretty mellow and soothing. I need a coffee post-haste.

The Gaslight Anthem - Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

chris on February 03 2009

And I bring you the Jersey Shore. You boys totally copped your cover design from bluenote. I'm onto you.

Harlem Shakes - Winter Water

alex on February 03 2009

Today seemed like a good day to blow your minds, enjoy this track. I just realized some posts are tagged with 2008 instead of 2009, this is NOT a mistake, me and chirs are frequently known to travel through time (and space) to post songs from the future. no big deal.

Arcade Fire - Wake Up

christopher on February 02 2009

YOU BETTER LOOK OUT FOR LOVE. There is a feeling of hugeness in their music which i absolutely love. It is an event.

Ugly Duckling - A Little Samba

alex suave on January 30 2009

Oh hey there, I didnt hear you walk in. May I add that youre looking fantastic tonight. Well you are, that new shirt is stunning and compliments your eyes. Go get 'em tonight tiger.

Lenny Kravitz - It Aint Over

chris on January 30 2009

Hey Baby Girl, It Aint Over Till Its Over. Gettin drunk in the office! Watch out!

SoKo - Ill Kill Her

chris on January 30 2009

I Love working 20 hour days. That was a lie, and that is why I am taking a me-day today. Apes And Androides tonight, and I have an extra ticket. Hit me on my beepa.

Ocotillo - LetMeLoveYou

alex on January 29 2009

I want to make music like this. Welp, welcome to Thursday folks, we're almost through the week and preparing our bodies for an invariable toxin assault. Left as rain will be at the Apes and Androids show tomorrow night at Music Hall of Williams, (tom cruise/jerry maguire style) WHO'S COMIN WITH ME!? Were not gonna do what you all think were gonna do, WHICH IS JUST FLIP OUT! *throws briefcase in the air*. ok im done, thats neat, i should do impressions on here more often.

Frontier Ruckus - Orion Town 2

christopher on January 29 2009

Weathered romantic voice... check. Under-mic-ed drums... check. Horn section... check. Grunge Garage Folk Rock... super check.

Vetiver - Everyday

christopher on January 29 2009

I am safe Alex, but I appreciate the concern. I am posting from an disclosed location. Here is a little Vetiver, easy on the ears and good design, the cover that is. It always puts an artist a couple notches up in my book when I respect their album art.