Jaako Eiono Kalevi - No End
Alex on December 12 2014
Sometimes I hear tracks which I feel belong on the soundtrack of my life. This is one on of those tracks - let's say... track 8. Well then Jaako Eiono Kalevi from Helsinki, welcome to the soundtrack of my life. We've placed you at track 8 right after Nada Surf's cover of Where is My Mind and before (pick literally any song off the Drive soundtrack).
Desire - Under Your Spell
chris on December 03 2014
This is one of those unsearchable artists, much like the band Girls. The album title doesn't help either because its simply titled 2. Google's number one page result is Desire 2 Learn, a Millersville University online education platform. Millersville University, Sieze the Opportunity. GO PIRATES!
Tei Shi - Bassically
Alex on December 02 2014
Back in the saddle after a week of constant travel. I write to you a shell of a man who wants nothing more than to spread good tunes.
Brooklyn based Tei Shi popped up on my Soundcloud the other day and I have to say I'm instantly hooked to her Iamamiwhoami vibe.
Petite - Backpack
chris on November 18 2014
I'm not usually a proponent of cuteness. For example, I dont don't care about puppy pictures or slow loris videos. But this girl is pretty irresistible, and also the way she says backpack... I think having a killer bass riff and dad-music saxophone helps a ton as well.