Magic Man - Paris
Alex on March 03 2014
Well. I finally did it. I left NYC to make my home down south. After 8 awesome years in New York I've decided that it's time for me to move on and try my hand at a slower pace of life, back yards, and beaches. This would be a great time to talk shit about NYC and all the reasons I decided to leave but I wont... what I will leave you with is the defining moment where I finally said "Okay get me the fuck out of this place."
As the native New Yorkers know we've had snow on the ground for about 3 months - with snow comes just heaps of trash. (Suddenly trash cans cease to exist when the white stuff covers the ground.) I'm running some errands in Greenpoint and round a street corner, just as I round the corner a bus is taking off from a stop at greater than normal acceleration. The bus manages to fling about 5 pounds of trash directly into my mouth and eyes (through sunglasses mind you). I'm coughing, I'm blind--and then it hit me, a taste - it's salty. My face covered in dirt, pulling hair from my mouth, and trying to spit the salty flavor out.. It was like a homeless man just came in my mouth. That's when I audibly said "okay.. I'm done" and b lined back to my apartment to begin packing.
Spark Alaska - Aloe Vera
Alex on February 13 2014
The past two weeks of my life have had two very notable moments. One of those moments arriving just this morning with Spark Alaska releasing yet another phenomenal musical arrangement, solidifying his place in my heart right next to Throw Me The Statue. The other - watching Bob Costas repeatedly say the word "Pussy Riot" with two blood red infected eyes.