Magic Man - Paris
Alex on March 03 2014
Well. I finally did it. I left NYC to make my home down south. After 8 awesome years in New York I've decided that it's time for me to move on and try my hand at a slower pace of life, back yards, and beaches. This would be a great time to talk shit about NYC and all the reasons I decided to leave but I wont... what I will leave you with is the defining moment where I finally said "Okay get me the fuck out of this place."
As the native New Yorkers know we've had snow on the ground for about 3 months - with snow comes just heaps of trash. (Suddenly trash cans cease to exist when the white stuff covers the ground.) I'm running some errands in Greenpoint and round a street corner, just as I round the corner a bus is taking off from a stop at greater than normal acceleration. The bus manages to fling about 5 pounds of trash directly into my mouth and eyes (through sunglasses mind you). I'm coughing, I'm blind--and then it hit me, a taste - it's salty. My face covered in dirt, pulling hair from my mouth, and trying to spit the salty flavor out.. It was like a homeless man just came in my mouth. That's when I audibly said "okay.. I'm done" and b lined back to my apartment to begin packing.