Larry Gus - NP
chris on September 05 2015
Wow, this track just fucking jaw-droppingly wowed the shit out of me. It's amazingly complex and evolves so seamlessly. It goes from Australopithecus to Homo sapiens in a matter of minutes. It may even have evolved past the understanding of my human brain. This dude could actually be an alien masquerading as a human.
Skylar Spence - Can't See You (Ryan Hemsworth Remix)
chris on September 05 2015
Skylar Spence reminds me of this amazing band from the early 2000s called The Slip. It's the voice... man that voice. Anyway, not to take anything away from Skylar with all this Slip talk, so pick up his album mid september on Carpark Records, who by the way, seem to be dropping solid gold hits lately.
Tame Impala - Eventually
Alex on September 02 2015
If you told me two years ago that Tame Impala would start to develop a Flaming Lips vibe I'd call you a bold faced liar. We all know Tame Impala is a top notch band but they really set the bar high with their latest album - Currents. How high is the bar set - you say? Sky high, my friend. Sky high. You couldn't reach that bar if you tried, unless you had some sort of sky high ladder - like one of those airplanes that simulates zero g. Or if you're from the future and have jet packs already, and if that's the case please email me.
The Weeknd - In The Night
Alex on August 25 2015
Come on, man. Your genetically engineered perfect music is irresistible and you know it. So is Abel Tesfaye a high school freshman generation's Michael Jackson? Do kids even know who Michael Jackson is these days? When I'm 65 will this be playing on an oldies channel? I have so many questions, the future both frightens and terrifies me.
eLLe beLLe - Knock On The Light
Alex on August 21 2015
Psychpop at it's finest. Psychpop is a really odd word to write, it just looks like a jumble of consonants. Sort of sounds like a ligament, "I tore my psychpop dancing last night." Is anyone still reading this? This is why you visit the site, right? To read my totally incoherent thoughts?
Wampoire - People of Earth
chris on August 18 2015
I was driving around today in a sweaty haze, and it seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion. If you really step back and observe the kooks of New York, it's quite a trip. The drug addicts, people talking to themselves, couples fighting in the street, chinese dude cutting weeds with a pair of scissors, kids playing in fire hydrants, Dominican guy with a huge grey afro cutting a guy in a wheelchair's beard with trimmers, Jehovah's Witnesses spreading the word in full suits during this heat wave... Come to think of it, a Summer heat wave in the city brings all the crazies out. This song embodies this feeling perfectly.