X priest X - Samurai (SertOne Rmx)

Alex on September 30 2013

9:47 AM Monday morning.. I can take a nap now right? X priest X is the next grimes - calling it now.

Keep Shelly in Athens - Flyway

chris on September 27 2013

Here is another entry from Chris' Badass Soundtrack series. This is from the - frantically searching through the streets of London - scene.

School of Night - Fire Escape

chris on September 26 2013

Solo venture from dude from the Antlers. He resides in Brooklyn as does yours truly... and Alex. Alex lives here too. Alex, you live here too right?

Cosmonaut - Your Knife (My Side)

Alex on September 26 2013

Today I write this post with great joy and a sense of life completion. Whilst walking my dog last night an older black gentleman came up to me and proclaimed "I LIKE HIM" referring to my blue pit bull. Obviously I responded with "I like HER too" I told him she's friendly and to say hi to her. We chatted for a bit about pit bulls and parted ways. We take about 5 paces in opposite directions before he finally says it. He turns around and says "I like her a lot.. my man!" I almost fell to my knees in joy. It was the most quintessential Denzel Washington "my man" I've ever heard. I wanted to yell so the world knew "I'M HIS MAN!" For years I've wanted an older black man to call me "my man!" and that day has finally come. My tombstone will now read "Alex Mejias - music blogger, jiu jitsu junkie, and my man!"

Youngblood Hawke - Stars - Penguin Prison Remix

chris on September 25 2013

The brain is a curious thing. One day you don't have the willpower to even drag yourself along through the mud like a slug, and the next day you feel halfway ok about your futile existence on this meaningless rock hurtling though infinity into this never ending pitch dark void of a universe. You know what I mean? winky face.

Haim - Let Me Go

Alex on September 24 2013

Fall is finally here and with that comes my favorite time of year - the era of the hoodie. Hoodies have to be the most comfortable article of clothing one can own -- well that and sweat pants but I can leave the house in hoodies.

Hayden James - Embrace

chris on September 24 2013

Comin atcha with another hot Hayden James jam. Why is it that I can never hear Australian or English accents in music. As soon as people sing, they all sound the same. I typed the most racist thing ever and then deleted it and replaced it with this sentence.

Grizzly Bear - Will Calls

Alex on September 23 2013

I'd love to talk shit about Grizzly Bear and this track but I simply cannot find anything wrong with it. In fact, this is one of the best tracks I've heard in quite awhile -- and that's coming from someone who digs through about 100 new tracks a day (whilst browsing reddit and watching animated gifs of cats). Go ahead with your bad self, Grizzly Bear.

Minks - Tides End

chris on September 23 2013

I love when you sit around all day at work doing nothing... Then at 5PM someone walks in with this idea and wants help on a pitch that could take all night. Get your ideas in the morning please.

The White Panda - Under Treasure

Alex on September 20 2013

It's Friday so that means it's acceptable to post a cheesy poppy mash up track. More importantly it means my coffee is strong enough to kill small children and pygmy goats.

In other news: I've noticed an influx of don't text while driving PSAs. Do these piss anyone else off? I mean how about a PSA that says "Don't do stupid shit while driving," or better yet "Don't be a fucking idiot - ever." Go ahead and prepare a souffle while driving but don't you dare text Peggy back "OMW" while sitting at a stop light!

On an unrelated note I really want one of those tube sucky things in my apartment -- you know the ones you used to see in offices and drive through banks? I'm not really sure what I would put it in.. possibly dirty t-shirts and those little oval flaps of plastic that seem to inevitably fall off plastic grocery bags.