Local Natives - Wooly Mammoth
Alex on February 06 2013
Took me a bit to really enjoy this album, its certainly a departure from their Gorilla Manor album. Maybe not necessarily a departure.. more of a tangent. You won't find many Friday evening banger tracks on here but that doesn't hinder the fact the tracks are chock full of energy. The space nerd in me wants to call this phenomenon dark energy. I think if you folks knew how many times I've watched every episode of How The Universe Works you might think I'm a lunatic.. There's a certain utopia that exists via Mike Rowe dropping bombs space of knowledge upon me.
STRFKR - Say to You
chris on February 06 2013
I found myself counting down the seconds until the next appropriate time to post another song from this album. I couldn't wait until that moment. This is why people open presents on Christmas Eve. It actually is taking unprecedented levels of restraint to prevent myself from putting this entire album up. It's that good.
PLOY - Elevator Talk
alex on February 01 2013
It seems as if this mystery band has been putting out rock solid singles for a couple months now. I am eagerly awaiting a full length album. Not to mention PLOY gets bonus points for being based in my second home, Washington D.C.
In other news... FRIDAY, BITCHES!