Hospitality - Rockets and Jets
chris on February 04 2014
Whenever I notice someone is staring at me on the subway, my immediate thought is my fly is down. That's really the only way I can rationalize someone staring at me. It's only down about seventy five percent of the time though. The other twenty five percent I have no explanation for... Probably boogers.
Painted Palms - Spinning Signs
Alex on January 31 2014
I'll never understand why people around here don't see the need to pick up their dog's poop when there's snow on the ground. Where is the logic behind that - "There's a thin frozen liquid barrier between my dog's steaming shit and the side walk.. I should just leave it there. I'm a great person and a real team player when it comes to urban society."
Palma Violets - Best of Friends
chris on January 30 2014
A little late on the lowfi bandwagon, but I have to say... I can totally see myself at Bushwick Summer house party circa 2006 jumping and sweating and yelling this at the top of my lungs with 50 strangers and a few of my closest buddies. Throwing beer in the air and running from the cops when they bust in while holding hands with a cute stranger. Then biking her on the handlebars to another party I heard some friends were at.