Future Islands - Heart Grows Old

chris on June 28 2011

John Cusack from High Fidelity, great quote. What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?

Jessica 6 - East West Funk

chris on June 27 2011

This, my people, is a stone cold groove machine. Our fellow Brooklynites manufacturing dance moves like the Jackson parents. Oh and read the post below because i want to get paid too. Also shout out to Lindsey from Different Fur Studios. Holla atcha boys.

Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks (acoustic)

alex on June 25 2011

Miss me? I got reacquainted with a little something known as "the radio" (the FM band to be exact) while I was away. All I have to say is WHAT-THE-FUCK, Chris and myself run circles 'round you radio monkies. Radio isn't dying because of satellite or pandora, or the internet - radio is dying because you shitheads play terrible music that was popular when I was in fucking middle school. Here's something no man should ever have to say to you, if your big give away is bare naked ladies tickets youre doing something fucking wrong. I'll take a cold 12 pack of Natural Light any day over seeing some washed out band play. Give Chris and me a radio station and we'll prove the FM band is alive and well. A return to the days where you used to sit in the car in your drive way just to hear your favorite radio program.

Music for Animals - If Looks Could Kill

christopher on June 23 2011

I'm pretty sure looks can definitely kill. Clash of the titans is a true story.

Wu Lyf - LYF

christopher on June 22 2011

When is the last time you bleed or cried or made someone bleed or made someone cry.

Black Lips - New Direction

christopher on June 22 2011

I have friday off so today is my Thurdsay.

Holiday Shores - Spells

christopher on June 21 2011

Upbeat and catchy? I should hate this then, but it's just so good. In other news, Jon Stewart was amazing on the fox news interview.

The Do - Too Insistent

christopher on June 20 2011

Of all the girl singers slash musicians I think I have the largest crush on this one. She is brutally hot.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. - We Almost Lost Detroit

uncle ninja alex on June 17 2011

Off to the beach for a week with my awesome family.

Penguin Prison - The Worse It Gets

alex on June 17 2011

I've been eating a fuck ton of candy lately. CANDY Y U TASTE SO GOOD? I'm quickly approaching that 2 year mark where I goto the dentist and get my mouth taken care of. I dont think I've ever seen anyone look so let down than when I goto the dentist. At least I dont fuck around when they ask me shit like how much i'm flossing. "oh me? yea never."