Idiot Glee - F O E
alexander totally normal mejias on January 28 2013
This album makes me feel like a crazy person in the best way possible. You know when you put on an album made by a lunatic artist like Squarepusher or Animal Collective and you just say to yourself "Okay. For the next 45 minutes I get to feel like a fucking schizophrenic crazy person." Then when the album is done reality sets back in and you're normal again. This post is normal right?
Still Corners - Velveteen
alex on January 24 2013
So this album magically showed up in my iTunes... I have absolutely no clue where it came from. After a couple listens I can wholeheartedly and certifiably say this album is fucking awesome. (I felt like Don King writing that last sentence.) I would like to thank whatever music god whom bestowed this album to my music collection. Upon further research into the band I find that Tess Murray, vocals, is a stone cold fox. Tess, I'd appreciate it if you stopped hacking into my computer and putting your siren calls in my iTunes - thanks.
Service Lab - Aquatic (Mochipet's Aquatic Alien Remix)
alex on January 23 2013
So this is the first I've heard about Mochipet and I'm not quite sure what to think just yet. Pretty interesting stuff but I have a hard time vibing with most of the ol' glitch hop. The vocals on this song are a bit Fred Durst-ish and I think I speak for the majority of the human population when I say - that's something which is really hard to come to grips with. It's funny now that I write my posts in the new back end I actually have a spell check to work with - It's like a sea of red squiggles.