Islands - Hallways
alex on February 12 2012
stomp clap stomp clap stomp clap stomp clap stomp clap. my day has consisted of going to underground fights and seeing a dude get his leg broken, driving in a crazy windy snow storm, then scanning and editing fashion prints for a client. diversify your day y'all.
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaur - Tapes and Money
alex on February 10 2012
Flyday y'all. If you notice ye olde dates on our posts span back to 2008, prior to that we had about 500 more songs (they never made it to version2) which spanned back to 2007 - so in total chris and myself have posted about 1,750 tracks for you (yes, you). Left as rain: finding dope friday tracks since 2007.
Lynyrd Frynd - Everything For The Sake Of Everything
alex on February 07 2012
I'm on the fence about whether this track is too poppy or not but that's not going to stop me from posting it. This is coming from the same guy who posted Coldplay a couple months ago... So if you guys follow my posts you'll remember me telling you I'm taking this stuff called Alpha Brain that improves brain function but also gives you fucking batshit crazy dreams, like movie trailer dreams - like lord of the rings meets avengers in a super battle dream. Well I've been enjoying those dreams for a few weeks now but came to the quick realization that there's potential for piss your pants nightmares. Last night I dreamt a 400 lb guy with glasses and acne was trying to stab me in the stomach, truly terrifying. Anyways, I woke up with a stomach flu - I guess my subconscious was trying to tell me something...