DIIV - Yr Not Far

Alex on February 09 2016

I just found myself singing along to the guitar in this track with the lyrics "thiiiss soonng iiss ffuucckkiinggg aaweessome" -- so I posted it.

Parquet Courts - Dear Ramona

chris on February 07 2016

This sounds like Lou Reed's child if Stephen Malkmus was his cool stepdad, but still unmistakably grew up in New York City.

BBNG - Fall in Love (J Dilla Tribute)

chris on February 06 2016

Like a finely printed book, a hand crafted mid century chair, a misty fall morning, an early 90s Porsche, the Welsh countryside... This is perfection. Haters to the left.

BADBADNOTGOOD - Seasons Interpretation

chris on February 06 2016

I try my best to dig deep to find the inspiration to write an eloquent post, finding some philosophical inner meaning to the lyrics as it relates to life and the human struggle. In this case I just had to look to the comments......... Booty.

Operators - Cold Light

Alex on February 03 2016

Just sitting here drinking my pea, hemp, and spirulina protein shake listening to Operators.. who are unmistakably related to Wolf Parade member Dan Boeckner. That's right, I said pea, hemp, and spirulina protein shake - which also just happens to be vegan -- so I got that going for me.

California Carpool - The Moon

Alex on January 28 2016

It's that time of winter where all I want to do is sleep or maybe just be comfortably horizontal. You could hook a drip of the lightest most caffeine laden coffee directly to my veins and I would still just want to curl up in bed and sleep the day away. Anyways, here's some moody surf rock to match my mood.

Honne - 3am

chris on January 22 2016

You don't know what you've got until it's gone they say. Once it's gone, you may never get it back, and if you do... it won't be the same. But from what you loose you gain in experience and vision, which is a very good thing. Like Hemingway said, "The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places." This isn't a rant. It's directly related to the theme in this song.

Ghostly Kisses - Never Know

Alex on January 20 2016

something something cold weather something something

Dan Casey - Hidden Guide

chris on January 18 2016

I've decided to get back in touch with my emotional dark heart. Excuse me while I slip into bottomless pit of dark music. Let's start this depressing party off with Slint and follow it up with a touch of Slowdive. See you on the other side.

MIAMIGO - Hard To Love

Alex on January 15 2016

Sometimes I get a little obsessed with a song. I'll listen to it a solid 10-15 times in a row and dissect everything about it. Generally after that glorious first day when I hear the song it just reminds me of my shamefully brief aural romance. What I'm trying to say is if I saw this track across the bar after lusting after it for a whole day I probably wouldn't acknowledge it. We could still be friends though, like maybe grab some coffee every month to not make things awkward.