Portugal The Man - All Mine

alex on November 05 2008

Wow this is one serious Obama hangover im dealing with right now. Can we say Fuck Yea? I thought so. I got a little teary eyed this morning walking to the train thinking about Obama telling his little girls that daddy is the new president. Williamsburg you were off the hook amazing last night, thanks. New feature: shuffle in the upper right, turn it on and your next song will be random.

Margot and The Nuclear So and So's - Broadnipple Is Burning

alex on November 05 2008

Coffee just isnt enough, maybe an IV drip? I love that dont fuckin move lyric in this track, hits me in the jimmy everytime.

The Rutles - Let's Be Natural

chris on November 05 2008

So Obama huh? No Big Deal, we saw that coming. I'm not gonna lie that I was a tab bit scared Mr. Roboto would weisel himself into play. There were riots in the streets last night, literally... but friendly riots. So how about some mock Beatles to further take the edge off. Wow, It's like one of my many wieghts has been lifted. Only 17 to go.

People Under The Stairs - Gamin On Ya

alex on November 04 2008

Oh lookie here, its a new version of left as rain. It was severely difficult to let go of the old playlist, 408 songs is a lot of entries shared with you folks. Alas we have to look forward not behind, and what a glorious day to see some change to this site. Keyboard features are still in place, right arrow changes song, space bar pauses, you have to click anywhere on the site for the key listeners to be active. Added automatic scrolling so you'll never be lost in the playlist. Still working on mousewheel,...eventually my friends. Come to duck duck on saturday and party with chris and i!

Dark Captian Light Captain - Jealous Enemies

alex on November 03 2008

almost... done... Ill prob put up new LAR tomorrow night, so expect a day or two of downtime while I switch servers and make sure everything works cool. I spent the day scripting a cool new feature which tracks which entry youre listening to and automatically scrolls to it, so you wont have problems finding what song youre listening to anymore. Still no mouse wheel support, eventually that will come but its not native to flash on mac and requires uber javascript. Also were DJing duck duck again this Saturday, always a fun time had by all. These gigs pay for enormous hosting fees/booze so come support us, our bad habits, and the site.

Okkervil River - Lost Coastlines

chris on November 03 2008

Why is it there are certain places on this great planet that just ooze musical talent. Must be something in the water. Austin is one of those hubs that consistently produce great tunes. I love this album art too, super great.

Cold War Kids - Relief

chris on November 03 2008

Why is it there are certain places on this great planet that just ooze musical talent. Must be something in the water. Austin is one of those hubs that consistently produce great tunes. I love this album art too, super great.

The Cure - Siren Song

alex on October 30 2008

New Cure eh? Hope everyone is pumped up and ready to do some trick and or treating, I know im ready to get some cavities in my teeth. I've decieded to go with the timeless costume of a vampire. I'm debating the white face makeup, we'll see how goth im feeling.

Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart

alex on October 29 2008

sshiiiitt thats ones chilled out cover right there boys and girls, I still think new order does the best cover of this song orig. by Joy Division. most everything is done with new left as rain just need to do internal testing whoop whoop.

Mount Eerie - Voice In Headphones

alex on October 29 2008

boom, 400 songs, enjoy it while it lasts cause the new version is going to be a fresh playlist. This is happening to make things easier on me and my friendly hosting company who has shut this site off twice this month. In with the new out with the old my friends. I heard this track this morning while browsing albums, seemed absolutely perfect for the NY folks enduring this cold windy rainy post apocalyptic day.