Poolside - Harvest Moon

chris on June 26 2013

Entry 2 of Wednesday's pool theme. Poolside comes through with a miraculously summery cover of Neil Young. Chrissy Likey.

Pool - Flex

chris on June 26 2013

This is entry 1 of 2 pool themed songs, so get radie. In case you were wondering, radie means to get ready but while performing some rad feat, like a backflip or moonwalking or a reverse slam dunk.

Blackbird Blackbird - Refresh

alex on June 25 2013

This is the first song I've listened to since I moved apartments on Friday and it's really hitting the spot. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to IKEA for the 3rd time in 4 days because the quality of their customer service is on par with the quality of their furniture.

Grandaddy - AM 180

chris on June 25 2013

I rename this song, flirting with girls on the bus coming home from school circa 1994.

Milk Music - Caged Dog Runs Wild

chris on June 25 2013

Continuing on my theme of Rock. Good ole fashion Rock music that blasts whining guitar riffs through the air waves. A taste of the glory days, the live fast and die young days.

FIDLAR - Gimme Something

chris on June 19 2013

So FIDLAR's monicker actually, and quite fucking amazingly, stands for Fuck It Dog Life's A Risk. Exactly.

Natural Child - 8am Blues

chris on June 19 2013

Memphis bad boys. Takes me back to my riding in the bed of a pickup days. Back in the all or nothing days. Let the good times roll.

Banks - In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel Cover)

Alex on June 19 2013

Banks covered this track as a Father's day gift to her dad. Best.Father's Day.Ever.

Darkside - A3

chris on June 18 2013

This song is just bad. Dirty bad. Bad like stealing from the Goodwill.

Electric Guest - This Head I Hold - Rudi Zygadlo Remix

chris on June 17 2013

Anybody coming with Alex and I to watch Iggy Azelea do that Work tonight? Booty droppin, Autralian, Floridain, Texan, Cheerleader uniform wearing hotty. In regards to this song, wow on the remix factor. This is a totally different song.