Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed
alex on May 03 2011
I was watching two people sign to eachother on the train today and thought to myself "man, if I knew sign language I could totally eavesdrop on their conversation." and then I started thinking about how hard it must be to tell secrets in sign language.. like "hang on, everyone else but this guy close your eyes I have to tell this guy a secret."
Thao and Mirah - Teeth
alex on April 26 2011
left as rain - bring toilet paper. In other news: Can we start using random words as exclamations, im so sick of fuck shit and ass. think about how cool it will sound - DAMN DUDE YOU GOT THE TOILET PAPER KNOCKED OUT OF YOU! or - IM SO KETCHUPED UP DUDE! or - YOUR LEG IS ALL CARDBOARDED UP, GOTO THE DR IMMEDIATELY!