Alex on January 17 2014
As the native NYCers know the weather recently has been pretty bleak. Endless days of rain and grey walls. Today things are looking up - the sun has graced us with it's presence. However one thing really stood out to me during the rainy days - possibly because my commute has changed and I transfer in midtown now. Mother fucking business men in their long over coats protecting their shitty suits swinging their umbrellas like golf clubs. This is a thing -- people do this on the platform waiting for the train. I cant think of a worse douche bag beacon. Are you really sharpening up your golf driving skills for your next round of 18 on NYC's illustrious golf courses? On the train platform? With a soaking wet umbrella that shoots little dirty water particles everywhere whilst you swing it in all your douche-ly glory? I'll see ya on the green, Tiger.